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Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a means of saving a tooth that has been damaged by deep decay, breakage, or infection. It is the process of removing the inflamed or infected pulp tissue of a tooth, disinfecting the canals and placing into the root canal space a biocompatible filling material. Treating an infected root canal system to save the tooth is much preferable to just having it removed because it will maintain your natural smile and won’t affect your sensation, chewing and biting force.

Most advanced techniques and materials used at Dental Sense Clinic allow to performing highly successful and effective root canal treatment.

How is a root canal treatment done?

At our dental clinic in Gdansk, we appreciate the patients’ time, therefore most treatments are finished within one single session. The time of the treatment depends on the complexity of the case. Sometimes more difficult cases may require a second visit in order to successfully complete the treatment.

Before the procedure, we will take X-ray and sometimes CBCT (cone beam computed tomography), thoroughly examine your teeth, recommend a treatment plan, discuss it with you, and answer your questions.

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    Microscopic endodontics – perfect precision

    Using Carl Zeiss dental microscope, at Dental Sense we are able to save the infected teeth which previously had to be removed. Dental microscope ensures magnification and lightening of the treated area. This ensures unmatched precision, which significantly improves the quality of the treatment.

    Owing to this state-of-the-art technology and superior skills of our dentists, we handle more difficult cases such as broken instruments or perforations of the root.

    Endodontists in Gdańsk:

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