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Marta Lassmann

Marta Lassmann

Preventive dentistry | Endodontics | Prosthetics | Aesthetic dentistry | Orthodontics


Dr Marta Lassmann graduated with honours from the Medical University of Gdańsk. She honed her skills participating in numerous courses and conferences in Poland and abroad (University of California, Los Angeles).

Dr Marta Lassmann graduated with honours from the Medical University of Gdańsk. She honed her skills participating in numerous courses and conferences in Poland and abroad (University of California, Los Angeles). In her work, she uses the latest diagnostic and treatment methods, such as working under the dental microscope. The patients’ comfort and well-being during treatment are priorities for her. Dr Lassmann ensures adequate time is dedicated to listening to her patients’ clinical desires and discussing all available options. She also finds work with the youngest patients very fulfilling.

In her spare time, she likes sports and travelling.