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Oral surgery

Modern oral surgery procedures provide quick solutions to many dental problems, where conservative dentistry and endodontics is not sufficient. Frequently, a surgical procedure is one of the stages in comprehensive dental implantprosthodontic or orthodontic treatment.

Our team of dental experts and the use of advanced surgical techniques guarantee absolute safety during even the most complicated procedures. Using specialised 3D software and the CBCT of the patient we are able to precisely plan complex cases, such as dental implant therapy. We offer innovative anaesthesia and sedation techniques, including computer-controlled anaesthesia, Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and intravenous sedation. This ensures fast and painless procedure.

Oral surgery procedures at Dental Sense

At our clinic, we provide a full spectrum of surgical services:

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    Data administrator: Medicover Sp. z o. o., Al. Jerozolimskie 96, 00 – 807 Warszawa. Full information on data processing: information clause.


    Wisdom tooth extraction – what you should know

    Wisdom teeth often face surgical extraction. Since wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to come in, or erupt, there is often not enough room left in your mouth to accommodate them. This can lead to wisdom teeth that are impacted, teeth that are trapped beneath the gum tissue by other teeth or bone. In some cases wisdom teeth can emerge only partially or come in crooked. These wisdom teeth may need removal.

    The main reasons for which wisdom teeth must be removed are:

    Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. But if there’s a chance your wisdom teeth will cause problems, it’s easier to take them out before any problem occurs.

    Before taking the decision about the extraction, we conduct a thorough examination using X-ray or computed tomography (CBCT). This allows for taking the right decision and carefully planning the treatment.

    Wisdom teeth can be removed under local anaesthetic. Sedation may also be used to help you to relax.

    Dental surgeon in Gdańsk:

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