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Digital Smile Design – Try on Your New Smile Before the Treatment Starts

Imagine that you can choose your dream smile and view the end result before we even start treatment! With innovative Digital Smile Design (DSD) we give you this opportunity.

During the standard course of treatment, a dental technician takes an impression of your teeth. He or she does not see the mimics and proportions of your face and does not know the way you smile. How then does he or she prepare the restoration? Mostly, by guessing at it. As a result, there is a risk that the final effect will differ from what you have expected.

At Dental Sense Clinic, our highly trained team of experts knows that a perfect smile is more than just a beautiful set of teeth. The perfect smile is one that is in harmony with your facial structures and proportions, and is the ultimate result of your inner desires and expectations. With the Digital Smile Design, we will not only design your perfect smile, but also plan and execute the treatment in a precise and predictable way.

The Digital Smile Design process

1. Enhanced digital photography

Your DSD plan will begin with one of our caring experts taking a photograph of your smile, just as it is now. At this stage, we also take the impression of your teeth for study models. We discuss with you your concerns and expectations.

2. Smile design analysis

Based on the photos, X-Rays and 3D imagery we precisely analyse the proportions of the face and design your smile, taking into account your facial features. Once we have the wireframe of the future smile we can select ideal shape, texture and colour.

3. Your new smile preview

The digital design can be turned into a mock-up, which is precisely created by a dental technician. This is a direct replica of the smile design that temporarily goes over the existing teeth in order to test drive the new smile. This is the moment when you can see what your smile will look like, before treatment even starts! New photos are taken, so that you can compare before and after results.

4. Become the co-author of your smile

At this point you can decide on any final alterations, such as colour, tooth shape, position, etc. before we get started with treatment. For example, if you prefer a “natural” smile to a “perfect” one, we can again personalise the final result at your request. DSD gives you a 100% influence over your smile. The example below presents the case in which the Patient wished to retain her perfect imperfections. At Dental Sense, we believe that not every patient wishes to have a “perfect” smile, but all of them want to feel free to be themselves.

A smile before the treatment
The first “trial smile” – some alterations necessary
The second “trial smile” – this time accepted

5. The treatment plan

Only now, when you have accepted your new smile, we prepare the detailed treatment plan. We will choose the ideal materials and restoration type, such as crowns or veneers. This will guide the rest of the treatment.

It is worth noting that smile makeover is not connected with teeth only. If necessary, we can also perform periodontal plastic microsurgery (gum contouring) or orthodontic treatment.

Advantages of Digital Smile Design

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